Crestwood City Council Meeting November 8, 2017 at 6:00 pm
Crestwood Civic Club
7215 Kavanaugh Road
Public Hearing for Rezoning for “Crestwood Commons”
The developer of the proposed apartment complex has filed for rezoning the 7300 block of Highway 329 through the city of Crestwood. Please make all efforts to attend this public hearing so you can have a voice in what happens in Brownsboro. Please also spread the word to other residents.
As you probably know, the Oldham Couny Planning & Zoning Commissioners voted unanimously (August 22, 2017) to reject the rezoning request made by the developers of “Crestwood Commons” for the property at the 7300 block of Hwy 329 . While there were many issues reviewed and discussed, the commissioners decided that the main basis for the rejection were that: 1) no testimony or evidence was presented that the current zoning is inappropriate 2) Reports and plans for drainage, storm water, and karst topography were not complete 3) the proposal did not comply with certain objectives of the Oldham County Comprehensive plan for land use in the area.
Because the city of Crestwood has annexed the property, the developer is able to request the rezoning through Crestwood even though the County does not recommend it. This meeting will give you the opportunity to be educated and informed to make your decision.