Oldham Ahead has launched a new community engagement website called www.engageoldhamcounty.com, a new online tool that allows citizens to become better involved in improving Oldham County.
This short video from MindMixer, the developer behind the site, explains how two urban planners saw the limitations of a traditional town hall meeting and wanted something better. In order to get as many citizens involved in contributing to changes and improvements to their communities, they created a new way to engage people in community planning.
Sign up here and share ideas, join a discussion, make comments, and ask questions along with other people right here in Oldham County. Polls and forums allow users to vote on topics like “reasons for living in Oldham County” or “one change you would make to our community.” Submit a project proposal for something you would like to see in Oldham County, or share a photo of something you already love.
Browse the website and see other ways you might become more engaged in Oldham County.