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Equine Wellness Clinic
Saturday March 2nd, 2019

10:00 A.M.
Location: Brownsboro Alliance Trail Association Trail Head
9511 Highway 329 Crestwood, KY 40014

All Services Provided by Bannon Woods Veterinary Hospital
Please RSVP by March 1st to 502-363-6304.

Coggins Test $20.00
Kentucky Health Certificate $10.00 (included with Vaccines )Power Dental Float including Sedation and Sheath Clean $100Sheath Clean including sedation $25

Recommended Vaccinations:
Eastern & Western Encephalitis, Tetanus, West Nile, Rabies $45.50

Fluvac with EHV– 4/1 $ 35
Strangles Intranasal Vaccine $ 30.50

Other Services:

Dewormer $15
Microchip $39
Chiropractic Adjustment 85.00


Bannon Woods Veterinary Hospital is located at
11116 DezernAve Fairdale, KY 40118