Brownsboro Alliance has been thrilled at the reception our updated website has received this year, and hope you have found our blog helpful and enjoyable throughout 2012. We are gearing up for an even better 2013, so make sure you are plugged in! Here are the ways you can stay connected to BA online:
Come directly to our website for the latest postings on the blog, as well as feature articles and current events happening around Brownsboro and Oldham County. To bookmark the website for quick reference, simply hold “Control” and hit “D” while you’re visiting the website. (Mac users hold “Command” and hit “D” to save a bookmark.)
Put BA’s updates directly in your news feed by “liking” us on Facebook. Photos of events are posted here first! Suggest our page to friends and neighbors who might also be interested in Brownsboro Alliance.
Webmaster Emily Sears sends out a Weekly Update via email for the convenience of anyone who does not have Facebook or has difficulty viewing the website regularly. Each Weekly Update includes important details from the latest blog post, as well as links to previous posts and a summary of upcoming events. If you’re already on our email list, forward to a friend or neighbor to see if they’d like to receive the Weekly Updates as well. Email sign-up can be found in the right-hand margin of the website.