Thanks to all of our volunteers on Sept. 27 at the Trailbuilding Work Day!  Check out the photos on Facebook as we put in the trailhead parking lot at Foxhollow.

Mark your calendars for the next two trail events coming up in October:
  • Saturday, October 18 at 10am – Guided Horseback Ride (RSVP required)
  • Tuesday, October 28 at 7pm – Information Meeting for Volunteers.  This meeting is for anyone interested in learning more about the trail and possible ways to get involved.  There are many ways to volunteer, and many hands make light work.  Trail building work days are just one aspect of volunteering – many tasks do not require physical labor.  We look forward to talking with you about your talents and how they can be used on the trail.  Bring a friend!
RSVP for both events to [email protected].