In keeping with our mission, Brownsboro Alliance serves to connect neighbors, visitors and new residents to Brownsboroʼs rural environment. We are excited that our latest project to make these connections within our community is taking shape!
From its inception, BA has hoped to create a trail system using Brownsboro’s natural resources to benefit the community and its visitors. Trails and roadbeds currently wind throughout Brownsboro and have long been used informally by landowners and their guests. BA has proposed to connect these natural, existing trails through the scenic farms of Brownsboro for private and responsible hiking and/or horseback riding use.
This summer, the trail has developed from merely a concept to a very exciting reality. Over the course of the next few months, we will keep you up to date on our progress on this project. Next week we will share a fun opportunity to support this project: Prospect Stars, featuring BA Board Member Debbie Stevens!