If you encounter problems while on the trail:
- ALWAYS…..in case of an emergency or accident, DIAL 911. South Oldham and Worthington Fire Departments have booked the trail in their mapping system and are aware of locations on the trail to enter for rescue.
- If for some reason, you cannot access the trailhead gate with your code, please contact 417-0750 immediately.
- While on the trail, if you discover areas that require maintenance, as a trail member, we would appreciate your assistance in clearing and/or correcting the area. If it is something that requires greater attention, please advise us at [email protected] as soon as possible.
- Again, ALWAYS……when in doubt of what to do, in case of an emergency or accident, DIAL 911!
- Do not hike or horseback alone.
- Notify a family member or friend the time and date you plan to traverse the trail so in case you do not return as expected, emergency services can be contacted.
- Keep a charged cell phone on you.
- Lock your trailer and/or car. BA is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items.
- Consider purchasing and carrying a small pocket first aid kit. Bring bug spray and check for ticks after you’re finished. Remember, there are not bathroom facilities at this point in time.
- Be extra vigilant when crossing the road on Hwy. 329.
- Walk or ride on BA Trail ONLY.
- Observe all trail signs.
- Practice safe horsemanship.
- Approved safety helmets are strongly recommended for all riders, and required for those under the age of 16 years of age.
- No riders under the age of 10 years of age.
- Children must be accompanied by a parent and/or guardian at all times.
- During hunting season (Sept. 1 – Jan. 31), please check our website for postings during this time period.
- If trail conditions are questionable because of past or present weather conditions, please check our website for postings. Observe all signs that may be posted at the trailhead and entrance.
- Hikers – keep your dogs on leash at all times. No dogs on leashes with horses.
- Respect others on the trail; Respect the trail.
- Wear your BATA Membership Button for proper identification.
Thank you and enjoy the Brownsboro Alliance Trail!