Brownsboro residents and our Oldham County neighbors are gearing up for the Oldham County Fair this summer! Beginning July 31 through August 4, see the best of Oldham County: from the Miss Oldham County pageant to the Pedal Tractor Pull, from carnival rides to exhibits in a variety of categories. Visit the Calendar of Events for complete listings and daily schedule.
The first Oldham County Fair was held in 1933 on a farm on US 42. Read more history of the Fair here. Seventy-nine years later, the Fair features five days of family-friendly entertainment and all-new carnival rides! The Fairgrounds are now located at 2401 W. Hwy 146, Lagrange KY 40031. Gates open at 4pm. Tuesday night is Seniors’ night (seniors 65 and older get in free). General Admission each night is $10 per person; children under 2 are free.
Visit the Oldham County Fairgrounds online and like the Oldham County Fair on Facebook. See you there!