Brownsboro Alliance works to renew and reconnect the economy, environment, and people of Brownsboro into a sustainable, innovative rural community.  We have learned about a current proposal for the Brownsboro area and wanted to keep you in the loop, so that you can be informed and participate in the future planning of Brownsboro.   On Tuesday, January 26, 2016, there will be a Planning & Zoning hearing at the Oldham County Courthouse discuss a South Oldham Fire Department request to build a Station at 7715 Old Zaring Road.  The hearing will begin at 9am, with the Fire Station item second on the docket.

View the Brownsboro Master Plan, which addresses public services, land use, sewer, and other recommendations to the area.  The Master Plan guides future progress in Brownsboro and was approved by Oldham County Fiscal Court in April, 2009.

We encourage residents and neighbors to attend this hearing to learn more about this proposal and what it could mean for Brownsboro in the future.